KXRW Vancouver Presents
Two Rooms at the End Of The World
Keeping the music and spirit of obscure classics alive
Every Second and Fourth Monday at 5pm
Two Rooms at the End Of The World
About Our Show
Two Rooms at the End of the World is a sister broadcast to KXRW’s Ever Present Past. Much in the same vein of EPP, Two Rooms at the End of the World is a show focusing on music of the past that doesn’t get its fair share of coverage in today’s status quo, but is a stirct showcase of songs and music as opposed to hybrid storytelling. In the hour broadcast, Michael Sarno delves into obscure classics from yesterday including deep cuts, B-Sides, demos, live performances and covers that radio has seemed to have forgotten about, and a few from today that help keep the spirit alive.
Michael Sarno
Michael Sarno holds a B.A. in History, a strong passion for storytelling, and a love of pop music from the past. Combine the three and you have KXRW’s program Two Rooms at the End of The World. Michael is new to the Pacific Northwest hailing from Boston, Massachusetts but we won’t hold that or being a New England Patriots fan against him. He currently resides in Vancouver, Washington and, in addition to being a music journalist for the past several years, works in Higher Education. Michael can be reached at Mikesarno27@gmail.com if you’d like a good song suggestion for the day or would like to make a dollar donation to his ‘Rainier Beer Fund’.
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