KXRW Vancouver Presents

Rogue Apostles

Join the experience, tell us how you feel, and be a Rogue Apostle!

Every Thursday 7:00am to 7:30pm

Rogue Apostles

About Our Show


The Rogue Apostles Radio started as an opportunity to have intersectional conversations on pop culture and current events. Many viewpoints and ideas are debated and exchanged over a number of serious and, also, fun topics. Our show welcomes most viewpoints and ideas, as we navigate the greatest parts of what makes us human.


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Four pictures of the rogue apostles

Episode Library

The times, they are a-changin' but don't worry because host Savannah O. Bennington has got you covered. Guest Natalie Paul, a family Nurse Practitioner from Lavender Spectrum Health, discusses what you can do to protect your mental and physical health just when you need that information most. Lavender Spectrum Health is located in Vancouver at 5500 NE 109th Ct, Suite A, Vancouver, WA 98682 and you can find out more information about them at the web site: https://www.lavenderspectrumhealth.com/ Or you can even text them at360-727-1641 and your text message will be HIPAA protected so no one will know your business except you and your medical provider ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by producer Steven Glickman to discuss the benefits of finding something you like and then enjoying that thing, whether it’s pumpkin spice latte or really expensive plywood. Listen and think about what YOUR thing as we enter the Fall and this time of rebirth and rededication to what makes our world turn ...
Savannah O. Bennington welcomes Natalie, Anna, and Leah from Lavender Spectrum Health to discuss what they do and why they do it. Unfortunately, we were not able to talk about the worst thing they have ever pulled out of a human body but they were able to discuss their novel approach to health care that is aimed at meeting the health needs of the local LGBTQIA+ community (though they’ll even help you if you are Cis or straight. https://www.lavenderspectrumhealth.com/ ...
Savannah O. Bennington welcomes John and Mark, the owners of Vancouver’s only gay bar, Underbar. Hear where they’re from, how they got to Vancouver, and what their goals are for Underbar ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington welcomes guests award winning film creators Theoddra Monstar and Aunt Gore to talk with them about their “origin story,” what they’ve been up to, and what they have coming up ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington has stumbled upon the ultimate combo of smoothies and fine cannabis and she wants you to know all about it. So, she brought in Aleeya and Jack Fruit to tell you all about Banana Hammock Smoothies and Juice Bar andLa Cannaisseur Dispensary located in Linnton, OR, not far from the west end of the St. Johns Bridge in Portland, OR ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington welcomes comic Carl Wolfson for another episode full of laughs and numerous plugs for Carl's work at Comedy Sportz, where he teaches stand up comedy. Enjoy this episode and then check outhttps://www.portlandcomedy.com/to learn more about what Carl does (and does so well) ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington welcomes Carl Wolfson to the show to talk about his 40+ year comedy career in general and the standup comedy classes he teaches at ComedySportz in Portland, OR. Trust us on this one, it's funny ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Amanda Lynn Deal and Steven Glickman to discuss wieners ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, aka the Notorious S.O.B. is joined by Amanda Lynn Deal and Steven Glickman to discuss the hype related to In-N-Out and the underrated nature of Vancouver and Clark County, WA ...
Savannah O. Bennington begins a new era of Rogue Apostles shows with a show starring Savannah O. Bennington! Savannah's show focuses on entertainers and content creators and brings us all up to speed on what they have coming for their audiences. Savannah's first guests are Amanda Lynn Deal and Coco Jem Holiday. Let's get this party started ...
Faith, Amanda Lynn Deal, Scotty Still, Zane Thomas, and Steven carry on without Savannah O. Bennington while preparing for Valentine's Day ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Faith, Scotty, and Steven discuss vaping, freedom, and must see movies. Also, we say goodbye to Savannah as this is her last show ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Faith, Zane, and Steven discuss the holidays, especially holiday food ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Faith, Zane, and Steven discuss the holiday season. (the audio towards the end had a problem which hopefully we worked around adequately) ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Scotty Still, Zane Thomas, and Steven Glickman rejoice in all the great music, TV, movies, and performances on the way. But we've got opinions about the details. For example, what's the right number of episodes for a TV season? Listen and find out ...
The Rogue Apostles talk about Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Scotty Still, Zane Thomas, and Steven Glickman prepare for Thanksgiving. How do we prepare? Food ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith, and Steven talk about good food, American football, Simone Biles, and more ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith, and Steven delve into the controversies of several popular foods...and more ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith, and Steven discuss cuffing season, the importance of strong female leads, and what we're watching ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith Spencer, Zane Thomas, and Steven Glickman discuss squirrels and other animals. Listen for important information regarding the animals in YOUR community. And that's just the first half of the show ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith Spencer, Zane Thomas, Steven Glickman, and special guest Abbie Glickman to discuss the cartoons that shaped our lives...and more! ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith Spencer, Zane Thomas, Steven Glickman, and special guest Abbie Glickman as they discuss food, travel, and more food, and Madison, WI. It's more exciting than it sounds ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith Spencer, Zane Thomas, and Steven Glickman talk about Barbie, Barbenheimer, and aliens ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Faith, Scotty, Zane Thomas, and Steven talk about being late, green solutions to environmental problems, and going outside for fun ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Faith, Scotty, Zane Thomas, and Steven discuss the passing of Paul Reubens and Sinead O'Connor and also discuss people who certainly deserve a big apology ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Fatih, Scotty, Zane, and Steven ponder questions like "How complainy is too complainy at a chain restaurant? How much cheese is too much grated cheese? The Rogue Apostles take a hard look at the service industry. We had to edit out some swear words ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Faith, Zane Thomas, Scotty, and Steven to discuss what we're watching and on what platforms. Lives are saved, tears are shed, and farriers are watched. There may be a cow encounter. Listen to find out ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Faith, Zane Thomas, Scotty, and Steven to discuss, travel, fashion, and exploding submersibles. Officially, we're against exploding submersibles ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Scott Still, Zane Thomas, and Steven Glickman discuss vanilla ice cream, regrets, and best donuts. Hop aboard and take this ride with us ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Scott Still, Zane Thomas, and Steven Glickman are all over the place. It's deep, it's funny, it's informative. Movies, music, comedy, streaming services, old TV lineups, and, of course, food. Learn and laugh ...
We tried to look back on the last 3 years of the Rogue Apostles and came up with this. Enjoy host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Scott Still, Zane Thomas, and Steven Glickman for an entertaining 30 minutes of Rogue Apostles ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Zane Thomas, and Steven discuss what ruins comedy ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Zane Thomas, and Steven discuss acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, and self-care. It IS for you ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Zane Thomas, and Steven bemoan that you can't get really good deals any more, complain about the weather, and discuss clothing, and that's not all. Enjoy! ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith, Zane Thomas, and Steven go from coupons to class struggle to possibly revolution? It's fun but also deep ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith, Zane Thomas, and Steven dive deep into 18th Century German philosophy. Just kidding. This episode, we're talking about shopping for food: the where, when, why, and how much. Hilarity ensues ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith, Zane Thomas, and Steven return strong with a round up of everything we've been up to since our last new episode and opinions about all kinds of things. Also, we discuss food. Surprise! ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Scotty and Steven as the conversation ranges from Amanda Lynn Deal being named as one of Portland's "Funniest Five" to Tiki Conventions, Karaoke, to the imminent arrival of Scotty's baby ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith, Scotty, and Steven preparing food and reheating food and things...wait for it...heat up! ...
Show host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith, Scotty, and Steven to discuss New Year's resolutions, the now you see it now you don't Grocery Outlet shopping experience, and more food topics than you thought possible ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Scotty, Zane Thomas, and Steven get honest about the fact that most animals could kill us, take some time to recognize how amazing crows are, and then somehow end up discussing racism. To be clear, racism is bad ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Scotty, Zane Thomas, and Steven as the conversation lands on music. Songs that haunt you, songs that inspire you, and songs that are our guilty pleasures, we love music and it shows ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Zane Thomas, Scotty, and Steven and there are many questions and answers:What food is trash? What is Festivus? What is vegetable pie?Also, the Rogue Apostles say a sad goodbye to Vancouver's Rally Pizza, a home to good pizza from people who did good in the community ...
It's the Christmas episode!!Host Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Scotty, and Steven talk about so much Christmasy stuff, some of it doesn't even seem like it's Christmas stuff...but it is NOW. Subjects include:Mariah Carey, gift giving, Sesame Street, famous smiles, Regis Philbin, Meryl Streep, upsetting celebrity deaths, and mint ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, along with Amanda Lynn Deal, Scotty, and Steven, discuss the proper and improper ways to eat pizza, that there are suddenly runny eggs on everything, how every time it snows it's Snowmageddon, and give our opinions on the new Netflix show "Wednesday."Officially, if there's snow on Christmas, Steven will be eating a bowl of grape nuts covered in a runny eggs. But it there's not, Savannah, Amanda, and Scotty will be eating a bowl of grape nuts covered in a runny egg instead. The stakes have never been higher. And there will be video so stay tuned! ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, along with Faith, Scotty, and Steven, talk about preparing for Christmas. The discussion centers around shopping at malls and what make for the best gifts ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, along with Faith, Scotty, and Steven, talk about their Thanksgiving this year. All things Thanksgiving are discussed along with what foods were welcome and unwelcome at the table when it comes to this popular fall holiday ...
Savannah O. Bennington, Amanda Lynn Deal, Scotty, and Steven will try to snap your head clean off shifting quickly and frequently between subjects ranging from going south for the winter to movie/TV remakes to bad cartoon parents to Powerpuff Girls to Panera. Can you keep up? Listen and try ...
Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith, Scotty, and Steven for an episode that needs no introduction.It's the Halloween Episode ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington is joined by Faith, Zane Thomas, and Steven riff on creating content, creating comedy, and the shifting sands of performance, diversity, and inclusion. It's deep, but don't worry, it's funny too ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington leads Faith, Zane Thomas, and Steven through an entertaining examination of streaming services and speculation about what's coming next.Also, which human was the first to successfully achieve warp speed flight? We'll let you know ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Scotty, Zane Thomas, and Steven get ready for Halloween.Pro tips on what to wear and where to get costumes (hint: Center Stage Clothiers,https://www.centerstageclothiers.com/- 1400 Main Street, Vancouver, WA), and where to get photos done (Kate Singh Photography,https://www.katesingh.com/- 1006 Main Street, Vancouver, WA)?But we don't just end there. We also riff on circuses, Anime, Halloween parties, candy corn, and new music. It's Fall and the Rogue Apostles are ready for it ...
Host Savannah O. Bennington, Scotty, Zane Thomas, and Steven welcome Fall with discussions of pumpkin spice, what makes for an appropriate prank, and creamed corn. Also, Steven amazes with his Chewbacca impression. Did we say amaze? Judge for yourself ...
Host James Tolson, Faith, Scotty, and Steven ruminate about outdoor activities and, like most Americans, discuss how we know nothing about Cricket ...
Host James Tolson, Faith, Scotty, and Steven talk about a lot of things, including the magic sky ghost, but nothing more important than if Grape Nuts is good or bad ...
Host James Tolson, Faith, and Steven get way ahead of the Halloween curve and discuss things that could scare you, if you made the mistake of acknowledging that scary things actually exist. Pro tip: don't ...
Host James Tolson, Amanda Lynn Deal, Faith, and Steven celebrate the return of Faith to the Rogue Apostles. FAITH. IS. BACK ...
Host James Tolson, Scott Stills, Zane Thomas, and Steven Glickman riff on a wide variety of topics ranging from comics to fonts to any hobby that's more than just a hobby. Also, do NOT call James on the phone ...
Host James Tolson, Amanda Lynn Deal, Scott Stills, Zane Thomas, and Steven Glickman discuss everything from fashion to soda to pie. Hilarity ensues ...
Host James Tolson is joined by the whole gang - Amanda Lynn Deal, Scott, Zane Thomas, and producer Steven - to talk about issues ranging from the strain population growth has put on the Vancouver/Portland metropolitan area to Veganism and the strain it has put on the Vancouver/Portland metropolitan area. Yeah, we're strained, but you won't be listening to this episode ...
Host James Tolson is joined by Scott, Zane Thomas, and producer Steven to discuss a range of topics, or take a lighthearted view (whichever you prefer), including the upcoming Clark County Fair and all the great food you can expect to get there, how bacon improves everything, more about the Clark County Fair, and super popular tv shows and movies that we have never seen ...
Host James Tolson is joined by Scott, Zane Thomas, and producer Steven to take a deep dive into a range of topics from "Thor," and what makes a great movie,7-20 to a discussion about what is the best season ...
Host James Tolson is joined in an entertaining roundtable discussion with Scott, Zane Thomas, and producer Steven to discuss a range of issues from Sasquatch to acceptable food practices ...
James Tolson is joined by Scott, Zane, and producer Steven to discuss critical issues (OK, maybe not critical) such as restaurants of questionable quality, good and bad snack foods, and more! ...
DJ Steenabrings you a weekly one hour showThe Guitar and Other Machinesto leverage the freeform format of noncommercial radio to get the music created by underrepresented & lesser known artists into unsuspecting ears.Akira Kosemura / vi (almost equal to) iv / vi (almost equal to) iv / SCHOLE / 2022Brambles / In the Androgynous Dark / Charcoal / Xtra Sensory / 2012Ola Wagner / Flying Fish / Flying Fish / piano and coffee records / 2022Eluvium / Underwater Dream / Pianoworks (INSPIRE FOLKS TO PLAY) / Temporary Residence / 2019VOISART / Like Glass / Like Glass / Juan Sebastian Erik / 2020Martyn Heyne / 2400 / Electric Intervals / 7K! / 2017Joep Beving / Nocturnal / Nocturnal / Deutsche Grammaphone / 2022Teruyuki Nobuchika / kokyu / Sonorite / PLOP / 2011Sophia Jani / summer and summer and winter again / summer and summer and winter again / Moderna Records / ...
James Tolson is joined by Scott, Zane, and producer Steven to discuss everything from the Sony Walkman to how everyone in the Vancouver/Portland area seems to be from somewhere else ...
The Rogue Apostles - James Tolson, Amanda Lynn Deal, Scotty, and Zane Thomas - have a roundtable discussion ...
The Rogue Apostles discuss movies and relationships ...
Just James, John, Amanda, and Faith takin' pop culture to a new level! ...
Also,What's The Deal w/ Amanda Lynn Deal & Keeping the Faith w/ Faith Spencer ...
In this episode, Mollie talks with journalist Emma Castleberry about her recent piece for Big If True on the First Female Recession, as consequences and fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affect women. Then, Mollie and Justin discuss how the anti-vaccination movement has adapted to the COVID-19 era and is attempting to gain popularity among the disruptions ...
James Tolson, Amanda Lynn Deal, and John Oberg bring a new show to air with a light take on local and national news, pop culture, and their own brand of a zany look on life. This week we talk about everything from presidential debates to TikTok and Ocean Spray Cranberry drink ...
James Tolson, Amanda Lynn Deal, and John Oberg bring a new show to air with a light take on local and national news, pop culture, and their own brand of a zany look on life ...

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