KXRW Vancouver Presents

To The Republic

We exploring civics, history, and U.S. institutions. 

1st Thursday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm

To The Republic

To The Republic

Episode Library

Jake and Geoff Discuss the history of book banning in the U.S ...
In this episode, Jake details how the road to revolution and the republic as we know it today, were made possible by the formation of the Continental Congress. Jake explains how the Continental Congress was both shaped by and shaped the growing sense of national identity that was necessary for American independence and the creation of the republic ...
Exploring the flashpoint events that led up to the U.S. Civil War ...
In this episode, Jake breaks down a few key indicators from the 2022 midterm elections that most people may have missed. Then, Jake examines the design of group arrangements/political institutions and how the effect cooperation between individuals or countries in the long-run. He looks specifically at how leadership, incentive and punishment mechanisms, equity, scope of issues, flexibility and forgiveness all play a crucial role in determining whether cooperation will last or breakdown within a group of people/countries. Enjoy! ...
Jake and Geoff discuss what it takes for cooperation in government to last over the long-run and how the unspoken rules, or norms, help keep democracy on the rails ...
In this episode, Jake discusses the nature of politics and how governance as evolved to help solve the conundrum of winners and losers in decision making ...
Jake discusses how amendments to the constitution are ratified, why the process in important and what Article V of the constitution means for US politics. Enjoy! ...
How the concept of Federalism began and is practiced in the United States. Enjoy! ...
On this episode, Jake discusses the threat that online foreign election interference/ disinformation campaigns have to political stability in both the United States and the rest of the world. By discussing the root of the problem, Jake underlines the ways these attacks are carried out and the effects they have on governments and citizens throughout the globe. Jake then lays out three ways the international community, governments, private companies and us as individuals can combat the use of foreign election campaigns.Enjoy! ...
In this episode, Jake touches on the events from the Ukraine and talks about where his predictions from last month's episode were wrong. Then Jake takes a massive turn to talk about the history of Hawaiian laborers and settlers in the Pacific Northwest as part of the British fur trade in the 19th century.Enjoy! ...
On this episode of To The Republic, Jake discusses the likelihood of war between the US/NATO and Russia over a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Jake analyses the history, structure and philosophy of NATO to determine what actions the US would take should Russia invade its neighbor. Enjoy! ...
Jake and Geoff discuss the history of censorship around the world as governments or the public have sought to stop the consumption of "corrupting" literature. Through examination of the most banned books in the US, they try to figure out the motivation behind today's push to stop the consumption of certain curriculum or books in America's schools ...
What are Liberalism, Realism and Constructivism? How do these schools of thought influence how we see the world, help us explain why things are they way they are and what may be to come in international relations? Jake and Matt have all the answers in this episode of To The Republic! ...
Jake and Geoff discuss the different ways democracy is implemented by governments around the world, why that is and how they work.-enjoy! ...
Just trying to make sense of a bad situation ...
Jake is joined by Doctor Donna Sinclair to discuss the history of social studies education in the United States. They then discuss some of the challenges that school boards and teachers face in the modern-era, especially with the controversy around the definition and perceived implementation of "Critical Race Theory" into state curriculumsEnjoy! ...
Jake and Matt ask the question: are the electoral college, equal representation in the Senate and the senate filibuster anti-democratic processes, and if so, what can be done to fix them?Enjoy! ...
Jake talks about the diverging arguments about the original intent of the 2nd amendment. Then Jake summarizes and puts into context the major legislation and court cases that have framed gun ownership in the US thus far. And finally Jake tell both sides what they get wrong in this evermore heated debate on guns in America ...
n this Episode, Jake and Geoff discuss the history of voter suppression in the United States. They talk about how African-American voters were effected by Jim Crow legislation after Reconstruction ended in 1877. They then identify and analyze how modern voter suppression tactics manifest in voting rules after the passing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. These tactics include: voter ID laws, voter purges and gerrymandering. Always remember to vote and stay informed! ...
In this installment of To The Republic, Jake tackles the question: what is conservatism? By examining philosophy, history Jake attempts to show that conservatism is a disposition within the philosophy of liberalism. Therefore, conservatism and liberalism should not be looked at as in opposition to each other but rather complements to one another. Enjoy! ...
In this installment of To The Republic, Jake and Geoff examine the responses of five former US Presidents to particular national crisis that occurred during their time in power. Specifically we look at the Presidents George Washington's response to the Whisky Rebellion; James Buchanan's response to state secession and the issue of slavery ; Herbert Hoover's response to the stock market crash and banking crisis in 1929; Franklin Roosevelt's response to the Dust Bowl; and George W. Bush's response to the September 11th Terror Attacks. Enjoy! ...
On this episode, Jake and Matt discuss the successes, failures, and missteps of President Trump's foreign policy now that his administration will be leaving power. Enjoy! ...
Jake and Geoff discuss the nation's voting rules, how the nation determines its elections, why the US has an unofficial two-party system, and much more! Enjoy! ...
On this episode, Jake and Matt discuss the lead up to the US Civil War. This analyze the Missouri Compromise, the Texas war for independence, Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and growing factionalism within the US. They then make parallels between the run up to the Civil War with what is occurring today in this country. They then attempt to answer the questions: When did the Civil War become likely? and when did they Civil War become inevitable. (Hint: it is much earlier than you think!) ...
In this episode of To the Republic, Jake and Geoff discuss the history of the relationship between states and the federal government in America. They explore the different theories that have underpinned the changes in how this relationship plays out. Finally, the hosts debate about how federalism is conceptualized in the modern-era and beyond. Enjoy! ...
In this Episode, Jake and Geoff discuss the history of voter suppression in the United States. They talk about how African-American voters were effected by Jim Crow legislation after Reconstruction ended in 1877. They then identify and analyze how modern voter suppression tactics manifest in voting rules after the passing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. These tactics include: voter ID laws, voter purges and gerrymandering. Always remember to vote and stay informed! ...
In this episode of To The Republic, Jake and Matt discuss the basics conceptual framework and history of international relations and political thought more generally. They then break down the three main schools of thought within International Relations Theory: Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism. Jake and Matt then use those schools of thought to explain the state that "peace must be more than the absence of war."  ...
In this Episode, Jake is accompanied by Matt to discuss international organizations; what they are, how they work, and where they came from. Jake and Matt describe the United Nations, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group, NATO, and others! ...

About Our Show

As an expansion of Say What You Mean, Jake and Geoff have created a new show dedicated to exploring civics, history, and U.S. institutions to be broadcasted through the radio station KXRW.




Jake Jochim


Three hosts in group shot


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