KXRW Vancouver Presents

The Common Good

Showcasing the collective achievements that contribute to a positive and well informed community.

2nd Tuesdays 8:15am to 8:45am

The Common Good

The Common Good

About The Show

We host interviews and tell short stories of non-profits, businesses, and dynamic individuals who are doing great things to positively contribute to the community. 

I Hope listeners get more plugged into the amazing things happening right here in their own community.  


Joe Clemons


Joe Clemons is the creator, host, and producer of The Common Good, a monthly show that showcases the collective achievements of our community through stories and interviews that contribute to a positive and well-informed community.  A native of Florida, Joe has resided in the Pacific Northwest in Southwest Washington for the past 7 years.  His passion for the community and those who are doing great things drives his desire to help tell the untold stories of sacrifice and good work that contribute to our overall commonwealth.

Episode Library

Host Steven Glickman interviews Paul Fish about the Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour and his role as a tour host. The Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival is in its 49th year and consists of variety of short filmswhich present aspects of Mountain culture, outdoor adventure, and the environment. Paul has been involved with the festival for over 30 years and this year he is again overseeing the tours stop in Vancouver, WA, where it’ll be showing at Kiggins’ Theatre. For more information about the film tour,you can visit banffcentre.ca and for the showings in Vancouver, WA on February 7th, 8th, and 9th, you can visit kigginstheatre.com. You can also get information about buying tickets by visitinghttps://live-to-play.com/ ...
Host Steven Glickman continues our series on homelessness and what those who work to end homelessness find effective in addressing the issue. Steven's guest for this episode is Adam Kravitz, co-founder and Executive Director of OutsidersInn, an advocacy group founded by and staffed by people with lived experience with homelessness. OutsidersInn works with the city of Vancouver and the homeless community to help those in need. For more information about OutsidersInn or to donate to their organization and support their efforts, visit outsidersinn.org ...
Host Steven Glickman welcomesMaxie Meyer, Marketing and Events Specialist, and Dameon Pesanti, Corporate Communications Manager, both with Clark Public Utilities to discuss the Race for Warmth, a fundraiser for Clark PUD’s Operation Warm Heart that takes place this year on January 26th. This year marks the 11th time the Race for Warmth has been run to help fund Operation Warm Heart. Operation Warm Heart has been around since 1985 and in that time has provided almost $5 million in utility assistance to over 20,000 households. Operation Warm Heart gives about $221,000 annually to help about 800 households with their electric bills. For more information about the Race for Warmth including registration information, route maps, and other useful information, visithttps://www.clarkpublicutilities.com/event/race-for-warmth/. You can walk, run, or bike in the event. If you want to learn more about Operation Warm Heart, click herehttps://www.clarkpublicutilities.com/community-environment/what-we-do/operation-warm-heart/or if you want to go directly to their donation page, ...
Host Steven Glickman interviews Heidie McCall about her ambitious plan to deal with solve the plastic pollution crisis and how she's making a movie about it. In part 2, Heidie discusses her movie ...
Host Steven Glickman interviews Heidie McCall about her ambitious plan to deal with solve the plastic pollution crisis and is making a movie about it. In part 1, Heidie discusses the plastic problem and her solution ...
Host Steven Glickman talks to Amy Reynolds, Executive Director of Share, to talk to her about who she is and what she and her organization are doing to address homelessness in Vancouver and Clark County. For more information about what Share does to address hunger and homelessness, or to get involved yourself, visit sharevancouver.org ...
Host Steven Glickman talks toMatt Babbitts, Clean Energy Program Manager and Dameon Pesanti, Media Specialist, both with Clark Public Utilities. They’re joining me today to discuss a new program at Clark PUD that rewards customers with Electric Vehicles for charging their cars at off peak demand times ...
Guest Host Nikki Klock welcomes Sue Meyer, former President of the Southwest Washington's Jewish Congregation Kol Ami and Linda Marousek, Pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in downtown Vancouver, to discuss their working relationship helping the homeless, despite their denominational differences. For more information about getting involved in Interfaith work helping the homeless community, visit whoprogram.org ...
The host for this episode of the Common Good, Steven Glickman, interviewsTyler Chavers, Homeless Response Coordinator, and Jamie Spinelli, Homeless Response Manager, who are members of Vancouver Washington’s Homeless Assistance andResource Team, which serves as a community response to addressing the impacts of unsheltered homelessness, to discuss how they came to fight unsheltered homelessness and what they're doing about it. Part 2 further goes into how they're addressing unsheltered homelessness in Vancouver, WA. To listen to Part 1, go tohttps://kxrw.fm/the-common-good-hart-interview-part-1-10-8-24/ For more information on Vancouver, WA's Homeless Assistance and Resource Team, you can go tohttps://www.cityofvancouver.us/city-managers-office/homeless/homeless-assistance-and-resources-team/ ...
Host Steven Glickman welcomes this episode’s guests on The Common Good, Read NW Founder Jerry Romano, Read NW Associate Executive Director Jennifer Dondero, and Read NW Director of Operations Anna Paul. Their goal is to get every child in SW Washington reading at grade level. To learn more about Read NW and to sign up to get involved, you can visit readnw.org ...
Host Steven Glickman guest is Bob Richardson, who is creating a documentary, "Pipe Dreams and Pizza Crusts," about a former Portland landmark restaurant, The Organ Grinder. The Organ Grinder was part of a wave of themed restaurants that were created in the 1960’s and 70’s that were part restaurant and part amusement park. Bob is seeking to capture what was so magical about the place, how it came to be, and how it met its demise. If you’re interested in learning more, contributing your own memories to the film, or financially supporting Bob’s efforts, you can visit http://www.pipedreamsfilm.com ...
Our host for this episode of The Common Good, Steven Glickman,and his guest today is Emma Jimenez, Youth Workforce Specialist for ESD112, which is a key educational partner in creating and delivering programs that benefit schools and children in the communities in the six counties of Southwest Washington. We're going to talk to her about her role with ESD112and her history that led her there ...
The host for this episode of the Common Good, Steven Glickman, interviewsTyler Chavers, Homeless Response Coordinator, and Jamie Spinelli, Homeless Response Manager, who are members of Vancouver Washington’s Homeless Assistance andResource Team, which serves as a community response to addressing the impacts of unsheltered homelessness, to discuss how they came to fight unsheltered homelessness and what they're doing about it. Part 1 starts the conversation. Part 2, which will broadcast later, further goes into how they're addressing unsheltered homelessness in Vancouver, WA ...
Guest host Steven Glickman talks to Moses Galaviz, owner and operator of On Point Removal Services, which provides residential and commercial garbage and junk removal, property cleanouts, and construction debris removal and hauling in Vancouver, Clark County, and beyond. Steven and Moses talk about Moses' business and his personal history ...
Guest Host Steven Glickman talks to Alison Moyer,Youth Workforce Employment Coordinator for ESD 112 in Clark County. We’re talking with Alison about her role with ESD 112 and what ESD 112 does for students in Clark County ...
Host Joe Clemons welcomes Nikki Klock to discuss Vancouver Family Magazine. Since 2003, Vancouver Family Magazine has been fulfilling its mission to strength the Vancouver community and provide Southwest Washington families with comprehensive and locally based resources and information regarding parenting, education, news, community events, and personalities, recreation and more ...
Guest Host Steven Glickman interviews members of the Aguirre family - Tony, Fionna, and Aja - about their bike ride from Vancouver, WA to Vancouver, B.C. to raise awareness and money to fight a rare form of cancer, AL Amyloidosis, the disease that took the life of their son and brother Xavier Aguirre. This year was their 4th year doing a bike ride to honor Xavier and hopefully save the lives of people who otherwise would be unaware of the possible threat of this disease ...
Host Joe Clemons interviews Rebecca O'Brien, the Executive Director of the Free Clinic of Southwest Washington. As health care costs spiral out of reach, there is a convenient and no-cost solution for those in need and Joe talks to Rebeccas about this vital resource for the community ...
This Installment of the Common Good is guest hosted by Steena Trecha. Tune in to hear from local Syrian, Armenian, Kashmiri, and other members of theSWANA - Southwest Asian and North African- Portland Metro Area community at aSWANA Rose Culture + Community Centerfundraiser for Palestinian families that took place in June 2024.SWANA Rose is a gathering space for those with lineages tied to Southwest Asia and North Africa, focused on reclamation, remembering and resistance, through education, arts and intersectional solidarity. Listen for how SWANA Rose is leading local educational opportunities and creating new resources for their own community - as well as the Portland Metro Area as a whole. This takes the shape of film showings, SWANA artists in residency programs, and other events showcasing the diverse and beautiful SWANA culture such as the popular Vegan Syrian Fundraising Popups happening every weekend (@vegansyrianpdx). The show wraps up with an interview ...
Guest host Steven Glickman talks to teen actors - Emerson Skogen, Molly Jung, Lennox Blodgett, Helaina Storaci, and Jake Heinrich - from Metropolitan Performing Arts in Vancouver, WA and with Heather Skogen who has been in several leadership roles for MPA including her current role as part of the media and marketing team. MPA is about to put on a stage production of the musical "Fame" so, beyond the immediate production, the conversation also focuses on how everyone got involved with MPA and where the future is likely lead for them ...
On this episode of The Common Good, guest host Marliese Franklin talks to Jana Hart, Director of the Vancouver Master Chorale. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the chorale and Jana Hart fills everyone in on the history of the chorale and what plans they have for this auspicious milestone. Produced by Marcus Berry in cooperation with the Vancouver School District's GATE program ...
Guest Host Jared Hines (Archive of the Soul) interviews Wayfinders Program Director Jamie Newsome and Program Assistant Walter Topete. ELSO is a community based environmental education focused nonprofit that uses the natural world to connect children from underrepresented communities to STEAM. More information can be found at their website athttps://www.elsoincpdx.org/ Background music by The Who, Kendrick Lamar and Maxwell ...
Host Joe Clemons welcomes Olga Lyubar, professor and department head in the Health Information Management program at Clark College in Vancouver, WA. Their conversation revolves around educational opportunities at Clark College if you're interested in pursuing a career in health care or improving your skills in health care and/or health information systems.As with many programs at Clark College, the Health Information and Health Care programs give students a chance to change their lives and improve the lives of members of the community in and around Vancouver and Clark County ...
Guest Host Steena Trecha talks with Executive Director of the Sakura 39ers Youth Association Dania Rescue Otto, and also Jm Auto who is the president of the organization. Tune in to learn about your local Chuukese Community and how this Chukeese-Led organization based in Vancouver is bringing together their community. Find out more athttps://sakura39ers.org ...
Host Joe Clemons welcomesSuperintendent Scott McCallum and Residential Life Counselor Jim Eccles from the Washington State School for the Blind to discuss the history of the school and how it continues to serve the people of Washington since 1886 ...
Guest host Marliese Franklin interviewsCarla Grant, Prabu Muruganantham. Denise Bare, and Blue, who were all involved in the making of the new film “In the Beginning,” a narrative short fiction movie that tells the story of a young man of color – newly released from US prison – who returns to society with the hope of beginning a new life. He discovers, on his solitary journey, that the world sees him only as his crime.The film premieres at the Hollywood Theater on March 26th at 2pm ...
Guest host Steven Glickman talks to Charles Leatherwood, Production Designer for the Mars Leap, a museum quality interactive exhibit that will help people understand what it takes to get us to Mars, and when they say "us," they mean everyone. Listen and find out all about this exciting project about space exploration and going to Mars ...
Common Good guest host Marliese Franklin interviews George Fich, the current Washington State TOPS weight loss King. George discusses how he lost 72 pounds as a member of TOPS, which stands for Take Off Pounds Sensibly ...
This month’s guest on “The Common Good” is Keith Kopp, an award-winning director who lives in Bath, England but grew up in Vancouver, Washington. Our conversation with Keith takes us from Keith’s Vancouver roots, and his journey from Clark County to the United Kingdom, to his latest project, a feature length film called “Translations.” “Translations” is set in Wales - or Cymru – which has a distinct language and culture that many people aren’t aware of. We discussed the film and Keith’s personal connection with the Welsh landscape and language ...
Our guest this week is Hector Hinojosa. Hector is the Founder and Vice President on the Board of Directors for Community Roots Collaborative, an organization in our community that provides housing solutions that are part of a community support network and a focal point for entities that deliver essential wrap around services to address underlying issues that result in folks being houseless. We'reexcited to welcome Hector to talk about this important work on this episode of The Common Good ...
The Humane Society for Southwest Washington supports the animals and families of our community. Each year, HSSW provides thousands of pets with shelter, medical care, behavior support, and a second chance for a happy home. They also support the animals of our community through programs that help keep families together.In this episode, hosts Joe Clemons and Susan Galaviz sit down with Sam Ellingson, Associate Director of Communications and Marketing for the Humane Society for Southwest Washington to talk about their programs and the upcoming Walk/Run for the animals event on May 7th.More info at www.hssw.org/walk ...
Entering its 37th year, The Community Foundation for Southwest Washington connects people who care with causes that matter. And this helps them to do more good with the resources available. Their mission is simple: Inspire a Culture of Giving to create a vibrant and engaged community. Today we welcome Community Foundation for Southwest Washington's President, Jennifer Rhoads to talk about Give More 24! ...
Imagine what it would feel like if you had enough money to survive a medical emergency or a short time out of work, or if you had enough money set aside to pursue your dreams or retire without worrying about money. In this episode, we're happy to introduce Julie Grandstaff who has literally written the book on how to do just that.Julie is the author of Save Yourself - Your guide to saving for retirement and building financial security ...
As we emerge from the Pandemic, we're seeing statistics that show a surge in substance abuse across the Nation. And as you might imagine, recovery can be even more challenging in this environment.My guest this week is Dr. Eowyn Rieke. Dr. Rieke is the Outpatient Medical Director at De Paul Treatment Centers. Dr. Rieke joins me today to share insight on what the impact of the post-pandemic world may have on substance abuse and/or those in remission from substance use disorder, the challenges they may face, and how we as society can help ...
Relay for Life is a community-based fundraising event for the American Cancer Society and many other Cancer related institutions, societies, and associations. Each year, more than 5,000 Relay for Life events take place in over twenty countries. And this includes an event right here in our own community! In this episode, I am pleased to welcome the Relay for Life Committee Co-Chairs Lisa Houser and Libby Mongue-Wymore to learn more. More details about Clark County's Relay for Life fundraising event can be found atclarkcountyrelay.org and on Facebook @clarkcowarelay ...
My guest this week is Adam Kurtz, owner of Fusion CBD. CBD tinctures and related hemp products are helping people in many ways and a growing number of people are discovering the health benefits of CBD without the side effects of THC. Together Adam and I explore the world of CBD, what it is, what it isn't, and dispel some common misconceptions ...
On Nov. 24, 1971, a middle-aged man known only as “D.B. Cooper” hijacked a Boeing 727 class jet between Portland Ore. and the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The mysterious man held hostage the fate of the flight, its 36 passengers and six crew members. He parachuted over Southwest Washington from the rear of the airplane with $200,000 tied to his body. Although a few bundles of eroded 20-dollar bills were found years later, Cooper and the rest of the money never were.Written by Dan Wyatt Jr., WSU alumnus and owner of Kiggins Theatre, “The Skyjacker” seeks to make sense of the Cooper story. This performance considers Cooper’s exploit with research, creativity and historical imagination.This performance of “The Skyjacker” will be the first time a performance is offered simultaneously on multiple radio stations. Previously, Re-Imagined Radio offered live re-enactments of classic radio dramas at the Kiggins Theatre in downtown Vancouver, Washington.“Many people ...
First up this week, we welcome Sheryl Thierry and Dawn Montgomery from Clark County CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocates.  Sheryl and Dawn tell us about the Clark County CASA volunteer and mentor volunteer program.    In the second half of our show, we're joined by Susan Bladholm, Founder and President of Friends of Frog Ferry.  Susan joins the program to talk about the recent completion of a Ferry Feasibility study that was just published that encourages the launch of passenger ferry service in Vancouver and Portland.   ...
Interview with Maury Harris Our first guest this week is Maury Harris. Maury is the Senior Communications Officer for Community Foundation for Southwest Washington. Entering its 36th year, The foundation connects people who care with causes that matter. Today, we'll highlight our region's largest giving event scheduled for later this week - Give More 24. In the second half of our show, we'll be joined by Jaelyn Sotelo, Washington State Ambassador for the Campaign for Tobacco Free kids. Jaelyn shares her story as a young person contributing to great things in our community. About us KXRW Vancouver We are committed to sharing knowledge and information to build a stronger community, based on inclusion, diversity and social justice in Southwest Washington and beyond.  Read Our Story Sustaining Members are our backbone Donate Your donation will provide equipment upgrades and needed on-air talent/producer training. Monthly operational costs to keep KXRW sustainable; and ...
We call this show The Common Good, because we know there is much that contributes in a positive way to the Common wealth of our community.  Unfortunately however, there are times when we need to - get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  On this program, we believe that Black Lives Matter.  We believe that we do have systemic racism.  Period.  We can work to make progress - but we have to do it together.  My first guest this week is Barb Seamen who recently covered two events that represent the massive support the community has in the fight for diversity, equity, and inclusion of black, indigenous, and people of color.  That overwhelming show of support and solidarity is starkly contrasted by the words and actions of a relative few who work to undermine any progress through willful ignorance and a flat out refusal to listen.  This is a vivid reminder of just how much work we ...
The show this week comes to you live from the comfort of Joe's home studio, broadcasting over the telephone.  Like you, we're doing our part to support physical distancing to help stop the spread of COVID19.  And even though we're six feet apart, we're closer than ever in supporting the health and safety of our community.  Joe's first guest this week is Jeff Shapiro with Community Connection.  Their mission is simple:  "to bolster the capacity, cooperation and financial resources of local service programs.”   Joe and Jeff talk about one of Community Connection's latest successful programs - a mobile shower unit - filling a huge need for the community.    In the second half of our show, Joe is joined by John Chapman and Beth Sale with Villages Clark County.  John and Beth explain how Villages Clark County supports seniors by giving them the assistance that allows them to independently and ...
The first half of the program highlights the great work being done by Meals on Wheels People. The second half welcomes back Charles Humble with Tax-Aide, AARP Foundation's tax assistance program ...

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The Common Good

The Common Good Logo

The news is flooded with so much negative content.  Yet I find in our local community, we are surrounded by amazing people doing some pretty amazing things.  I thought, we have a great commonwealth and from there, The Common Good was born.  – Joe Clemons