KXRW Vancouver Presents

Citizen 411

Your information directory for democracy.

First Tuesdays from 8:15am to 8:45am

Citizen 411 is powered by League of Women Voters

About Our Show

From the League of Women Voters of Clark County comes “Citizen 411 –Your Information Directory for Democracy,” where the conversation aims to ensure everyone in our great democratic republic is represented and empowered, and our communities have their sights on social justice. We will feature stimulating guest speakers with insider knowledge of compelling issues facing the Pacific Northwest. Our brand is integrity and careful study of the issues. The League, now more than 100 years old, is the nation’s leading nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to voter education. We welcome all genders.

What motivated our show

Tracy and Teresa, an educator and a librarian, are active members of the Civics Education committee of the League of Women Voters of Clark County. The League is dedicated to empowering voters, in part, through education. During the summer of 2022, the civics committee, in partnership with the Fort Vancouver Regional Library system, presented a program on why voting in primaries is so critical. Later, KXRW’s John Oberg and Mike Delasandro of the Filibusters show interviewed Tracy and Teresa about this topic. KXRW’s Barb Seaman heard them and saw the value in creating a show featuring the message and work of the League.

blue circle with white writing that says Be a Voter with the LWV on the bottom standing for the league of women voters



Tracy has wide frame brown glasses a confident simi open mouth smile with a gold shirt on. She has reddish brown short hair, cut above her ears. Her background is a oak wood wall.

Teresa Torres


Teresa Torres was born in Japan to U.S. citizens, and came to the United States as a 9-year-old. She eagerly immersed herself into American culture and soon the politics of the US (although she has never seen a Howdy Doody show and feels that may be a big hole in her life as a Baby Boomer). Her interest in books and people led her to a very satisfying career as a librarian. She retired from managing the Cascade Park Community Library. Every person has a story to Teresa, an insatiable reader who is always curious about everyone she meets. She is an avid gardener.

Teresa is wearing brown wide frame glasses while smiling with closed lips in the evening sun. she's in middle to late age with elegant short hair just at her ears. There is a concert in the park blurred out in her background

Tracy Reilly Kelly


Tracy Reilly Kelly – who did watch Hoody Doody and Rocky & Bullwinkle – is semi-retired from Clark College as a manager and instructor. Initially a history major, Tracy received her B.A. in human services from the Evergreen State College and an M.S. in health education at Portland State University. In 2008, Tracy was honored as a Woman of Achievement by the YWCA of Clark County and Clark College. A voracious reader, she likes to talk about what she is reading. Drawn to both social justice and history, Tracy’s jam is learning, making connections, and trying to be the change she wants to see. A history and genealogy detective, she loves the thrill of the backstory.

Our Passion

There is an immense need for Americans to discover factual information that doesn’t pick sides on major issues. Our show helps our listeners find the real story, all in a nonpartisan manner.

Listen / Episodes

Tracy and Teresa interview Ann Donnelly joins Citizen 411 longtime Republican activist, columnist, and energy consultant to offer conservative perspectives on a host of local and national issues, including the new administration's first days, the Save Our Streets initiative, the I-5 Bridge, cell phones and youth, housing and many other fascinating issues ...
Tracy and Teresa interview the incomparable Mayor Anne McEnerney-Ogle, whose warmth coupled with her wisdom has guided our city resourcefully. Learn how she became a civic crusader and how the City will face challenges of 2025. We talk everything from houselessness to safe streets, to pies! ...
What if we could truly get together, as neighbors, despite our differences and link together, doing good things for our communities? Tracy and Teresa interview Barb Seaman, of the East County Citizen’s Alliance, who has a strong vision of what healthy communities look like, rooted in caring for others and ourselves, protecting our civic institutions, and improving what they can for the benefit of all. They see diversity of opinion to be healthy and respectful ...
Wondering about the 2024 election on November 5th? Tune in as Tracy and Teresa interview each other about voting, about platforms, initiatives, politicians, the Public Lands run off – and so much more!. The ballot includes statewide and federal races: state legislative districts and the 3rd District House of Reps and Senator as well as the presidency. Discover how to get information, fill out your ballot as well as descriptions of what the positions and ...
The Interstate Bridge replacement project is a multiyear state and federal project of immense proportions. Join Tracy and Teresa as they interview the man in the “hot seat” – Project Administrator Greg Johnson. Learn about all of the considerations, the players, the movers and shakers who will make a safe and easy transit across the Columbia River, along the West Coast’s longest connection, the I-5 freeway ...
Tune in to KXRW 99.9 for August, as Tracy and Teresa continue to interview each other about voting in the Primary election on August 6. There are changes in the look of both the ballot and Washington state’s VoteWA platform. The ballot includes statewide and federal races: state legislative districts and the 3rd District House of Reps and Senator. Discover how to get information, fill out your ballot as well as descriptions of what the ...
Join us for the second part in our 2 part series on law enforcement in Clark County. We interview Sergeant Chris Skidmore, public information officer for the Clark County Sheriff’s Department ...
In June, Tracy and Teresa begin a two part series on law enforcement, beginning with Vancouver Police Department’s Chief Jeff Mori. Known for his community based ideas about policing, Chief Mori talks about the challenges to the VPD, including dealing with the unhoused, the scourge of fentanyl and illicit drugs, some of the lowest staffing ratios in the nation, as well as legislation both passed, and unpassed, in 2023 and 2024 ...
Have you heard? There are elections this year, and there are deep concerns for the process of democracy. Join Teresa and Tracy as they interview Dr. Carolyn Long, professor at WSU Vancouver. Carolyn is the voice of political science and enlightened discourse on democracy in Southwest Washington. Carolyn will explain it all! Third District residents in Washington state also know her for her two unsuccessful bids to beat Rep. Jaime Herrera- Beutler for U.S. Representative ...
Join Teresa and Tracy to examine the work of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy climate change organization focused on national policies to address the national and global climate crisis. The guests are Sharon Brown and Marsha Maupoux. This organization builds upon shared values rather than partisan divides, and empowers supporters to work in keeping with the concerns of their local communities to adopt fair, effective, and sustainable climate change solutions ...
Our guest this month is third term Vancouver City Council member Ty Stober. We thought Ty was so deep and fascinating last month, with guest Jamie Spinelli that we are offering a Part II of “talkin’ about the City”. In this episode, we are concentrating on the City’s Comprehensive Growth Plan with Ty ...
February's Citizen 411 will feature Ty Stober, City Council member and Mayor Pro Tem, and Jamie Spinelli, Homeless Response Manager at the City of Vancouver. This month Tracy and Teresa begin a two part series on the unhoused and on Vancouver's Comp Plan. How is City dealing with the seemingly intractable problem of providing housing for all of its citizens? What's in the future? Learn about the Emergency Plan, about the scourge of fentanyl, as ...
Our guest this month is Will Campbell, Associate Editor of the Columbian. He is a fourth generation co-owner of The Columbian. He graduated in 2017 from the University of Oregon with a journalism degree. Will assists in the newsroom’s innovation, public outreach and leads the award-winning Community Funded Journalism program that added five additional reporters to the newsroom with donations. Formerly, he worked at the Spokesman-Review in Spokane as their Crime and Public Safety reporter ...
Temple Lentz is currently the President and CEO of the Historic Trust. An exceptional leader, Temple has made her mark leading Vancouver non-profits and social media efforts for beyond the last decade. Hear what’s happening at the Historic Trust, but also – Citizen 411 wants to figure out what makes this phenomenal practitioner of civics “tick”. Who and what have been her inspirations – and what lies ahead? ...
Do you know the vital work and issues of the Port of Vancouver? Join guest Port Commissioner Jack Burkman to explore wind energy, safe and efficient freight, Terminals 1 & 5, siting the I-5 Bridge, balancing environmental vs business interests, transparency of information, and developing a skilled workforce. Burkman has a long tradition of serving local government and the community ...
It’s an Election Special at Citizen 411!Join Clark County Auditor Greg Kimsey to discuss basic questions and answers about voting in Clark County. After the break, Tracy and Teresa discuss what some of the local issues are - and what to know before you cast your vote. They share tips to consider from the League of Women Voters about the importance of voting in local elections ...
In 2022, the Clark County Council created a new Jail Services Administration. Join administrator David Shook to learn how the transition has gone, exploring issues from inmate disability to handling contraband to the needs of staff, and the difficult work they do. Shook also discusses the need to build a new jail ...
The right to health care is fundamental to a responsible democracy. Everyone should have access to affordable, quality healthcare across a full spectrum of services, from preventive care to hospitalization. Join guests Alan Unell and Voki Hovagimian from Healthcare Advocacy to discuss challenges in the current delivery models as well as what a publicly funded, single payer healthcare system would look like ...
Our guest is Sami Alloy, the Deputy Director of Pro-Choice Washington. Discover how she advocates ensuring that all people in Washington have equitable access to reproductive health care and safety as well as to advance the intersectional policy change, she seeks ...
Clark County Counselor Sue Marshall ...
Citizen 411 – your information directory for democracy! We want everyone represented and empowered in our democratic republic. On this episode, we're joined by Amelia Shelley, the Executive Director of Fort Vancouver Regional Library. Amelia has a vital role in an institution crucial to defending democracy: free access to information that is generated for, and by, “everyone” ...
Dee Anne Finken and Sally Hale discuss the drawbacks to the decline of news reporting in local communities ...
This month’s subject is free and fair elections. Greg Kimsey, who has served as Clark County’s auditor since January 1999, provides his perspective and insights about voting in Clark County and the 2022 General Election.From the League of Women Voters of Clark County, Tracy Reilly Kelly and Teresa Torres host “Citizen 411 – your information directory for democracy,” where the conversation aims to ensure everyone in our great democratic republic is represented and empowered. The ...
From the League of Women Voters of Clark County, Tracy Reilly Kelly and Teresa Torres host “Citizen 411 – your information directory for democracy,” where the conversation aims to ensure everyone in our great democratic republic is represented and empowered and our communities have their sights on social justice.The League, now more than 100 years old, is the nation’s leading nonpartisan nonprofit organization dedicated to voter education. We welcome all genders.In this inaugural show, Tracy ...


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