The Women’s Mosaic: Sen. T’Wina Nobles and Paris Nelson Part 1 1-28-25

Karen Morrison and Elizabeth Madrigal are joined by Twana (Tu-Ah-Nah) Nobles, state senator for the twenty-eighth Legislative District of Washington and a community leader, mother, and a nonprofit executive, and Paris Nelson, the strategic development and policy manager at Fourth Plain Forward for Part 1 of their discussion about the critical need for doulas and what Sen. Nobles and Paris Nelson are doing to improve access.

For more information about the birth doula program at Fourth Plain Forward, please visit their website, And search for the “birth doula program.”

1 thought on “The Women’s Mosaic: Sen. T’Wina Nobles and Paris Nelson Part 1 1-28-25”

  1. Just two quick corrections. First on the website address: It is:
    Please also note that Senator Nobles first name is spelled “T’wina”. Thanks so much!

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