I was so luck to interview Dr Ken Stedman and Dr Brianne Suldovsky for this show, How Covid Kills. I started off my research with the thought that there are really two virus’s at play in the Covid Pandemic, first the infectious virus’s (Sars Co V 2 and the Covid) and secondly there’s the virus of weaponized misinformation.
Of course, the pandemic and all that surrounds it is far more complicated. I hope people will take the opportunity to learn from Dr’s Stedman and Suldovsky as I did.I’ve attached a short blurb from their web pages at Portland State University.
My thanks to Elaina Galaviz who was associate producer for How Covid Kills.
Dr. Ken Stedmanhas been teaching and researching extreme viruses at PSU since 2001. His research focuses on structure, function, biochemistry, evolution and genetics of viruses from extremeenvironments. Recently his research has expanded into vaccine stabilization.
Dr. Suldovsky specializes in science and environmental communication. Her research examines how scientists engage the public and public understanding of controversial science, including climate change and genetic engineering (i.e. GMOs). She collaborates with a diversity of partners including environmental scientists, economists, geographers, climatologists, philosophers, and community groups.