Ever Present Past – EP 3 Steely Dan Gaucho Part One 9/24/22

Ever Present Past is a broadcast that focuses on music from the past that doesn’t seem to get its fair share of coverage in today’s musical world. Our goal is to ensure these featured stories told of each artist or album live on while educating and entertaining the listening audiences.

On the third episode of Ever Present Past, we are joined by Portland State University’s Sonic Arts Music Production student Jessy Mina to discuss the bookend of Steely Dan’s heyday with their albumGaucho, one of the most expensive albums made in the 1980s. In the first part of this two-part episode, we go discuss what makes Steely Dan so divisive and give context to the build-up ofGaucho.


  • Deacon Blues (from the albumAja)
  • Babylon Sisters (from the albumGaucho)