KXRW Vancouver Presents
New Waves NW
Put on your lifejackets and get ready for some new waves
Every 1st Saturday @ Midnight and Noon
New Waves NW
About Our Show
New Waves NW is the best place to discover great bands and artists from the pacific North West and all over the country. Showcasing underground and hidden talent and going more in depth in the specifics of the artist and their music.
Our Start
Due to both J.T. and Ryan Reed being in the music industry, their paths inevitably crossed… One day J.T. received a phone call from Ryan asking how he’d feel about running a radio show. J.T. was thrilled at the thought of this and quickly thought of including his co-host, EGO, and they got to work. Thanks to Susan Galaviz and Ryan Reeds guidance, we made it happen!
The Crew
J.T. Drums | Host
Our Host J.T. Is an accredited musician from Vancouver WA. Playing drums for most of his life, and piano on top of that, J.T. has played many shows all over the west coast and in several other states. JT Is a Co-founder/owner of CIK studio LLC, as well as, playing with a couple different groups. J.T. Knows the ins and the outs of the local music scene and aims to showcase what amazing talent lies amongst us.
EGO | Co-Host
Our Co-Host Ego is a seasoned vocalist/audio engineer with a huge passion for music and helping others reach the goals they set to achieve. EGO is a Co-founder/owner of CIK Studio LLC and has several of his own musical projects.
First Time Listener?
Our show helps showcase what wonderful talent Vancouver WA, the Portland Metro area and cities from across the nation have amongst them.
Episode Library
Radio Is Yours
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Member support provides a large portion of what KXRW Vancouver 99.9FM needs to run and grow. Together KXRW members make up a community of people from Vancouver and Portland who love music and want a platform for important issues to be treated with integrity and humor.
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KXRW is a non-commercial station, which means that we exist for and because of our listeners. If you value our diverse talk, our music programming, and appreciate our commitment to work toward a more just community through open and honest media, then we need your help to thrive and grow!